(Allow The Spirit’s Guidance And Control)
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

TO THE BIBLE: “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18 AMPC)
A drunken man is likely to act in a way he wouldn’t when he’s in his right senses or under normal circumstances. Now, the Greek term translated “drunk” in the verse above expresses a state of being full of drink to the point that it controls you. However, the focus here isn’t the drink; the focus is on what should be controlling you.
God is saying, “Don’t be controlled by wine; rather be full of the Spirit; yield to His leading and let Him control you.” He wants you to be full of the Spirit always! Many Christians live ordinary lives because they’re not continually filled with the Spirit; they dabble in and out of it. Meanwhile, the Word’s admonition is for you to be continually filled with the Spirit; be perpetually high on the Holy Ghost!
That way, your life will be an unending stream of the supernatural. When we talk about a life of constant victory, this is what we mean; it’s a life that’s Spirit-ruled and Spirit-controlled.
When you’re constantly filled with the Spirit, you’ll be able to see things God’s way; you wouldn’t operate at the ordinary plane of life that most people live on. You’ll function from a higher realm. Learn to yield to the sway of God’s Spirit; surrender yourself to His leading. That’s the secret to a life of unending victories and ever-increasing glory.
Go Deeper: Acts 4:31; Ephesians 5:18-20
Speak: Dear Father, thank you for the joy of being filled with the Spirit every day. I worship your majesty, excellent splendour, power and glory in my life. I declare that I’m strengthened with your might in my inner man, walking in the dominion of the Spirit today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading: ONE YEAR 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Isaiah 46-47
TWO YEAR John 6:22-29, 2 Kings 3
Act: Spend more time fellowshipping with the Lord in prayer and the Word.