(Rejoice Always In the Lord)
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

TO THE BIBLE: “Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4 AMPC)
“Hey Bruce, why the gloomy face you always seem to have these days,” Jocelyn asked. “Never mind, that’s just me I guess,” Bruce replied with a shrug, “Life’s not a bed of roses you know.” “Yeah, but don’t you think you ought to be more joyful? You’re in Christ now—with Jesus, there’s nothing to be gloomy about!”
God’s Word leaves us in no doubt as to the way we ought to live. The Lord wants you to live a happy and joyous life always. You ought to “rejoice” in the Lord, no matter what happens around you. There’s a double emphasis on the word “rejoice” in the opening scripture, which means you should let your joy be to the maximum and fullest.
“What if the circumstances of my life aren’t such that should give room for rejoicing?” Well, rejoice all the same! Understand that your joyful spirit dictates what goes on around you. Refuse to allow the circumstances of life to dictate your joy. When your faith is challenged, that’s the time to rejoice. I’m talking about being joyful in the Spirit—the kind of joy that transcends physical circumstances and emotions.
The Bible says “…with joy will you draw water from the wells of salvation”(Isaiah12:3 AMPC). Salvation refers to soundness, preservation, divine health, success, prosperity and every blessing that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ accomplished for the Christian. In essence, God wants you to know that you must keep your joy on to experience the wonderful blessings of salvation. Learn to maintain a joyful spirit, even amid daunting circumstances, for the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Go Deeper: 1 Thessalonians 5:16; Philippians 3:1
Speak: Dear Father, thank you for filling my life with your joy. I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and that joy saturates my spirit and bursts forth in refreshing streams to my world. I rejoice always in the Lord my God, who has filled my heart with gladness, and my mouth with songs of rejoicing.
Daily Bible Reading: ONE YEAR 2 Corinthians 5:1-6:1-2, Proverbs 18-19
TWO YEAR Luke 21:10-19, 1 Samuel 25
Act: Meditate on 1 Peter 1:8, and refuse to allow anything to make you sad, discouraged, or despondent