(Don’t Let Anything Happen To You!)
By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

TO THE BIBLE: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13)
The Lord once said to me, “Don’t let something good happen to you,and don’t let something bad happen to you either. Make things happen!” Think about it: Could anything good or bad ever happen to God? Did you ever read in the Scriptures that God was happy because something good “happened” to Him, or that He was sad because something bad “happened” to Him? He doesn’t function in such a realm; He makes things happen.
In the same way, you’re a child of God, born after His kind, made in His image and likeness; you belong in His class. So, you shouldn’t have anything “happening” to you; you should be the one happening instead. Satan, the adversary, may come around and try to make things “happen” to you, but the Bible says you should resist the devil and he’ll flee (James 4:7). He can try all he wants to, but he’s no match for you; you’re superior to him.
Being born again, you have the ability of Christ in you to determine what you want in your life. Therefore, never allow yourself to be a victim of circumstances. Keep reigning in life. Apply faith in God’s Word to deal with situations and challenges. Subdue, tame, and rule your world for Jesus Christ and keep making things happen in the Kingdom of God.
Go Deeper: 2 Corinthians 3:5, Luke 10:19
Speak: The ability of God is at work in me; I’m sufficient in His sufficiency. I make great and glorious things happen in God’s Kingdom, in my life, and in the lives of others, to the glory of Jesus Christ. I’m alive to God, fruitful and productive by the power of the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!
Daily Bible Reading: ONE YEAR Revelation 19:1-10, Zechariah 7-8
TWO YEAR Acts 4:13-22, Ezra 6
Act: List five things that you would love to make happen for the Kingdom of God. Begin to work towards achieving those goals.