Tuesday, 27th July, 2021

By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
" …The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]" (James 5:16 AMPC)
Any kind of positive change you might desire is possible in the Name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Looking through the Scriptures, you’d find examples of people who were desperate for a change and what they did. You too can learn what they learnt, act as they did and get what they got.
Take Hannah for an example. For many years, she remained childless until she decided she must have a miracle. She went into the house of the Lord, fell on her face before God and prayed, made a vow and prevailed.
How compelled are you to change your financial status? How compelled are you to change your health situation? How compelling is your desire to move to the next level and experience the supernatural in your daily walk, in your ministry, academics, business or career?
Success and progress in any area requires very simple and basic principles. One of such is a strong compelling desire. Let your desire be strong enough to compel you to take the right and necessary actions. In Mark 5:25-29, we see another striking example of an actualised desire for change. It’s the account of the woman with the issue of blood who, having suffered for twelve long years, made up her mind to receive a miracle.
Compelled by her desire, she pressed through an impossible crowd to get to Jesus, defying the injunction that forbade her from having physical contact with other people. The haemorrhage she suffered made her ceremonially unclean; therefore, she stood the risk of being stoned to death if found in public, following the Jewish law of the day (Leviticus 15:25-27).
However, her desire for freedom, for her healing, compelled her to act her faith and she got a miracle. In Mark 9:23, Jesus said, “…all things are possible to him that believeth.” So, it makes no difference where you are in your life today, anything is possible. Act on God’s Word. Act your faith and be absolute about the result that you want, and it shall be so.
"Thank you, dear Father, for my triumphant life in Christ; I’m a success; I walk in victory, divine wisdom, and the dominion of the Spirit, because my faith is active, and I see and live by the true light of your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen."
Luke 18:1-8; Hebrews 11:32-33; Mark 5:25-29
Romans 2:1-29 & Psalms 38-41
Luke 11:27-36 & Judges 1